Twitter Round-Up January 14, 2017

Twitter Round-up:  A glimpse of notable comments, ideas, links, and articles.  Topics relate to:  law/legal practice, digital, analytics, social media for lawyers, ethics, innovation, SEO, business development, marketing, and the future of law.

BELOW: Blockchain - impact for lawyers · Employees' right to disconnect after hours · No lawyers in the Kansas Senate · Chart of the Collaborative Economy · What Twitter does better · Future-proofing HR

BLOCKCHAIN - Impact for Lawyers ~ Law Practice Today.  See also, this @PWC interview with @ValaAfshar:  Are You Keeping Up with Your Tech-Savvy Customers?

Employees' Right to Disconnect from Email After Hours ~ @PeterVogel  Vogel discusses the pros & cons of a new French law.

The Kansas Senate Has No Lawyers ~ @WSJ

The Collaborative Economy - Honeycomb 3.0 chart ~  @jowyang

If you aren't on Twitter yet, it is a great platform for tracking news.  It's also terrific for what @ValaAfshar (Chief Digital Evangelist at Salesforce) points out above -- learning from, connecting with, and interacting with people you've never met before.  If you new to Twitter, be sure to leverage lists to help categorize groups of people you follow.  For example, I have groups based on their tweets or professional knowledge around:  Social Media, Digital, the Future of Work, the Future of Law, Analytics, Marketing, Science, etc.

Future-proofing HR ~ @iSocialFanz  The article notes that the "2016 Global HR Survey by Mercer, the world’s largest HR consulting firm, underscores the need for businesses to redefine how they manage, develop, and incentivize talent to achieve growth."

Flip Cat Consulting works with law firms, practice groups, individual attorneys, and other professionals to design marketing and business development strategy.  We work onsite or remotely, from specific projects to global change management.  Contact us to arrange a free consultation.