Twitter Round-Up February 4, 2017

Twitter Round-up:  A glimpse of notable comments, ideas, links, and articles.  Topics relate to:  law/legal practice, digital, analytics, social media for lawyers, ethics, innovation, SEO, business development, marketing, and the future of law.

BELOW:  WHY Analytics? Predictability · There's Only 1 Mistake in Legal Pricing · 40% Don't Know · If You Aren't Measuring ROI, What Are You Doing? · Has Your Firm Discovered the Value of Client Teams? · Clients are not Buying... · How to Win in the Age of Analytics · The Mismatch Between Marketing Spend and Return

1. Why ANALYTICS?  For one, they help you contribute predictability to your clients' budgets:

2. Discounting can take you on a downward spiral, as the AGC of Microsoft notes (tweeted by Sallas Schmidt):

3. IF:  you're using AFAs (Alt. Fee Arrangements)...and you're not tracking their effect on revenue, what do you actually know?

Flip Cat Consulting works with law firms, practice groups, individual attorneys, and other professionals to design marketing and business development strategy.  We work onsite or remotely, from specific projects to global change management.  Contact us to arrange a free consultation.